Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Illustration Friday w/e 2/3/2012 - Capable

Another Illustration Friday contribution, this time illustrating the word "Capable". Something which in handyman terms I'm very much not. This drawing kind of reprises some sketches I did a few years ago on the theme of "My part in the war against inanimate objects", and shows my admiration and envy for "handy" heroes who wield power tools with confidence and can fix and build stuff without it falling apart. Still, most of them can't draw for toffee. Anyway, as always any comments or criticism is welcomed, thanks.

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

New Beyond Thrilled shop on Culture Label

Beyond Thrilled now has a presence on the fantastic CultureLabel.com website!

In their own words, "Think of us as your creative department store; we curate the very best product from our arts partners’ shops and designers’ collections, then bring them together for you to browse and buy. The price you pay with us is the same as if you go direct to our partners’ individual sites – the only difference is the ability to buy from all 200 in one basket.

Every single sale on CultureLabel.com helps to support some of the greatest arts and heritage organisations, of all sizes, in all kinds of places, directly funding a brilliant range of innovative work."

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Illustration Friday w/e 10/2/2012 - Suspense

Another quick Illustration Friday effort, this time on the given theme of "Suspense". I think the subject matter's a little too obvious, so I've tried to give it quite a dynamic composition (think German expressionist films, ha!) using shadow cast by the TV's light, but with a limited 3 colour cartoon palette. As always, any comments, constructive criticism and/or feedback is welcome, thanks.